In app purchases


Purchasing Items

As of 18/09/2018, Items do seem to be available in the store, but purchasing the currency requires a Chinese ID, making it impossible when playing from other countries. If you have a Chinese ID, items may be purchased from the store as normal.


There are 2 shops in the game: the ingame shop and the premium shop. The former is where you trade ingame items for items, such as Rolling currency, exp cards, materials, fragments, etc... The latter is for buying Diamonds and some exclusive items with real life money.

How To Top Up

Bilibili Version: First before starting on buying in this game using Bilibili version, make a PayPal account. making one is very simple and easy to do, also be sure once its made to link your bank card to the account. Once its done, head to the game and tap on whatever it is you want to buy, example like monthly card, Tohka's costumes or just diamonds in general. Tap on the item you want to purchase with the "¥" symbol and it should bring up a screen that has bilibili on the very top, below with the app name and how much the item costs. Below that, it will show 4 different options of how you want to pay. Tap on Paypal, doing so will move the checkered green icon to Paypal and tap on the blue button to proceed. Next screen will have Paypal at the top, plus showing you how much it is in Chinese currency. below that there is some Chinese options for you to choose from, in order from left to right. From left to right is Dollar, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. We will be using Dollar so pick the first option which is the far left one, it will have a red outline surrounding it showing you which you chose, tap on the blue button to proceed. Next it will show much the item is in U.S. currency, and asking you to choose either Pay with PayPal or Card, choosing card wont work as you will need a Chinese bank account to do so, so tap PayPal. Next you will need to login to PayPal. Once logged in, you will see the screen showing the billing info along with price of your purchase, PayPal login name, and your payment method. If everything looks correct for payment method, tap pay. Once its done, it will take you back to the game and it may take a while to process like a few seconds, but you will see the diamonds go up, or if you bought a costume, or limited pack, the items will pop up showing you what you got. A note to remember, I have been maxed out at 2 purchases a day with Paypal and sometimes they wont let you do a huge top up amount until some time has passed or they finally see it as safe transactions.


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