Tohka Yatogami

Tohka Yatogami is one of the main female characters of the Date A Live series. She is the first character we play with in the game, and is the only one available from the start.


Tohka's angel can be upgraded up to rank 5, using Malkuth Fragments, to unlock new passive skills. Each rank requires more fragments, as shown in the table below.

1 -> 2100
2 -> 3300
3 -> 4600
4 -> 51000



Tohka damage is increased by 20% against shielded enemies.
= Sandalphon =
Tohka attacks with sandalphon, doing up to 3 slashes for 60%/70%/70% physical damage.

= Broken Sword Dance =
Tohka channels her angel before unleashing 3 energy swings, dealing a total of 280% physical damage.

= Crescent Sky Strike =
Tohka swings Sandalphon upwards, launching enemies up in the air, dealing 120% physical damage.

= Energy Sword =
Tohka repeatedly swings her angel in front of her, launching 3 energy swings, dealing a total of 180% physical damage.

= Ultimate Sword: Halvanhelev =
Tohka unleashes her most powerful attack, turning Sandalphon into Halvanhelev, she slashes enemies with 4 large energy swings, dealing a total of 750%/850%/950%/1050%/1150% physical damage, across the whole landscape in front of her.


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