
Noire is one of the main characters of the Hyperdimension Neptunia Series. She is a tsundere girl who thinks highly of herself and strives to be the best one in everything she does. She often does and say things but tries to play it off as if there is no more meaning behind her actions. It is possible that she is a very caring person at heart but hides it. She debuted in the Hyperdimension Neptunia Collaboration Event Part 2 and was only obtainable through gacha using the Yellow Heart Tokens or Hyper Dimension Tokens.


Noir Blade

Goddess of Protection's Blade
Noire's weapon can be upgraded up to rank 5, using Dimension Essence, to unlock new passive skills. Each rank requires more fragments, as shown in the table below.
1 -> 2100
2 -> 3300
3 -> 4600
4 -> 51000


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