Yamai Tempest

Yamai Tempest is the fifth arc of the storyline, which adapts, for the most part, the fifth volume of the main series, with the same name.
A fully upgraded Kaguya Yamai and Yuzuru Yamai is playable on some stages.
This arc is composed of:
  • Normal difficulty: 19 stages and 10 side stages;
  • Hard difficulty: 20 stages;
  • Hell difficulty: 12 stages;

Normal Difficulty
Stage Type Clear Condition Challenges

1st Star 2nd Star 3rd Star
5-1 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Get knocked down less than 6 times
f5-1 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Defeat 1 enemy every 20 seconds Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-2 Date

5-3 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Die less than 2 times Get hit less than 10 times
f5-2 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Lose less than 50% of the team's total health Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Use less than 12 skills
5-4 Date

5-5 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Die less than 2 times Get knocked down less than 6 times Defeat 1 enemy every 20 seconds
5-6 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Lose less than 50% of the team's total health Get hit less than 10 times Bring an ally to assist you
f5-3 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Use 1 Awakening Skill Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-7 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Defeat 1 enemy every 20 seconds Die less than 2 times Defeat 10 enemies
5-8 Date

f5-4 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Get knocked down less than 6 times Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-9 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Lose less than 50% of the team's total health Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Use 1 Awakening Skill
f5-5 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Bring an ally to assist you Die less than 2 times Use less than 12 skills
5-10 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Get knocked down less than 6 times
f5-6 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Get hit less than 10 times Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-11 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Defeat 1 enemy every 20 seconds Lose less than 60% of the team's total health Die less than 2 times
f5-7 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Use less than 12 skills Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-12 Date

5-13 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Die less than 2 times Get hit less than 10 times
f5-8 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Defeat 10 enemies Bring an ally to assist you Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-14 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Lose less than 50% of the team's total health Get hit less than 10 times Get knocked down less than 6 times
5-15 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Defeat 1 enemy every 20 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Defeat 10 enemies
f5-9 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Use less than 12 skills Die less than 2 times Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-16 Date

5-17 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Lose less than 50% of the team's total health Get hit less than 10 times
f5-10 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 30 hit combo Bring an ally to assist you Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-18 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Die less than 2 times Finish the stage in under 90 seconds Get knocked down less than 6 times
5-19 Date

Hard Difficulty
5-1 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Die less than 1 times Get hit less than 12 times Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-2 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Get knocked down less than 4 times Defeat 1 enemy every 18 seconds
5-3 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-4 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Lose less than 45% of the team's total health Die less than 1 times Use less than 10 skills
5-5 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Get hit less than 12 times Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-6 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Die less than 1 times Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-7 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Lose less than 45% of the team's total health Get hit less than 12 times Defeat 1 enemy every 18 seconds
5-8 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Use 1 Awakening Skill Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-9 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Lose less than 45% of the team's total health Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-10 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Die less than 1 times Get hit less than 12 times Use less than 10 skills
5-11 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Get knocked down less than 4 times Die less than 1 times
5-12 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Lose less than 45% of the team's total health Use 1 Awakening Skill Defeat 1 enemy every 18 seconds
5-13 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Get hit less than 12 times
5-14 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Defeat 1 enemy every 18 seconds Get knocked down less than 4 times Defeat 8 enemies
5-15 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Lose less than 45% of the team's total health Die less than 1 times Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-16 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Get hit less than 12 times Use 1 Awakening Skill
5-17 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo Die less than 1 times Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-18 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Get hit less than 12 times Use less than 10 skills Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-19 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Defeat 1 enemy every 18 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Perform a 35 hit combo
5-20 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 25 hit combo Lose less than 70% of the team's total health Get knocked down less than 8 times
Hell Difficulty
5-1 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Perform a 40 hit combo Get hit less than 12 times Use 2 Awakening Skill
5-2 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Get knocked down less than 4 times Use less than 8 skills
5-3 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 40 hit combo Die less than 1 times Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-4 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Lose less than 40% of the team's total health Get hit less than 12 times
5-5 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Get knocked down less than 4 times Use 2 Awakening Skill Defeat 1 enemy every 15 seconds
5-6 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 40 hit combo Die less than 1 times Get hit less than 12 times
5-7 Battle Survive for 60 seconds Get knocked down less than 4 times Defeat 1 enemy every 15 seconds Defeat 8 enemies
5-8 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Lose less than 40% of the team's total health Perform 1 Switch Kill
5-9 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 40 hit combo Die less than 1 times Use 2 Awakening Skill
5-10 Battle Defeat all enemies in 150 seconds Lose less than 40% of the team's total health Get hit less than 12 times Get knocked down less than 4 times
5-11 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Perform a 40 hit combo Die less than 1 times Do not use more than 8 skills
5-12 Battle Defeat all enemies in 300 seconds Finish the stage in under 80 seconds Lose less than 40% of the team's total health Get hit less than 12 times


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